Menu AppetizersCream Cheese WontonVietnamese Egg RollVeggie Egg RollGolden ShrimpFried PotstickersSteam PotstickersPopcorn ChickenCombo AppetizerMilk TeaGreen TeaRegular TeaThai TeaFlavored Milk TeaHokkaidoBananaChocolateMangoCoconutVanillaLycheeBrown SugarAlmondCarmelHazelnutHoneydewStrawberryTaroSlushieAvocadoCoconutGreen BeanRed BeanMatchaStrawberryTaroThai TeaWatermelonHoneydewMangoPineappleFlavored TeaGreen AppleHoneydewLycheeMangoPassion FruitRoseStrawberryWatermelonWhite PeachBlueberryGuavaPineappleRed Dragon FruitKidsMilkChocolate MilkTummy YummyCapri SunMarble SodaOrange JuiceApple JuicePhoPho SpecialPho Beef BallPho Rare SteakByo PhoRice PlateChicken SteakBeefPork ChopPork SlicesShrimpLunch SpecialHam Fried Rice - General Tso's ChickenHam Fried Rice - Sesame Seed ChickenChicken Lo Mein - Ham Fried RiceChicken Lo Mein - Sweet N Sour ChickenChicken Lo Mein - Golden ShrimpChicken Lo Mein - Vietnamese Egg RollChicken Lo Mein - General Tso's ChickenChicken Lo Mein - Sesame Seed ChickenToppingsBobaCrystal BobaMango PoppingRed BeanGreen BeanCoconut JellyLychee JellyCoffee JellyMango Star JellyPassion Fruit JellyRainbow JellyStrawberry JellyPeach JellyStrawberry PoppingBlueberry PoppingSpecial DrinksChocolate Peanut ButterCoffeeGreen Bean MatchaHokkaido Purple YamIdaho PotatoKiwi MangoLeprechaunCitrus BlastPurple Yam & Taro MatchaStrawberry LemonadeStrawberry MatchaStrawberry Matcha MilkTangerine KumquatStrawberry MangoFrosted MilkMango LemonadeMango MatchaChi MangoBanana Crème BruleeVietnamese CoffeeTraffic LightSoupEgg Drop SoupHot N Sour SoupOthersHam Fried Rice - Cashew Nut ChickenHam Fried Rice - Cashew Nut ShrimpHam Fried Rice - Broccoli BeefHam Fried Rice - Broccoli ChickenHam Fried Rice - Moo Goo Gai PanHam Fried Rice - Mongolian BeefHam Fried Rice - Kung Pao ChickenHam Fried Rice - Honey Walnut ChickenVeggie Fried Rice - Veggie Lo MeinPepsiCherry PepsiDiet PepsiDr.pepperRoot BeerLemonadeMountain DewOrange FantaDiet CokeCherry CokeSpriteDasaniSmart WaterDiet Dr. PepperJasmineOolongFried RiceHam Fried RiceChicken Fried RiceBeef Fried RiceShrimp Fried RiceCombo Fried RiceVeggie Fried RiceChow MeinVeggieHamChickenBeefShrimpCombinationChickenSweet N Sour ChickenGeneral Tso's ChickenCashew Nut ChickenMoo Goo Gai PanBroccoli ChickenChicken Almond DingKung Pao ChickenSesame Seed ChickenHoney Walnut ChickenOrange ChickenLemon ChickenChicken With Snow PeasCurry ChickenMandarin ChickenHunan ChickenPeanut ChickenBeefBroccoli BeefBeef With Snow PeasPepper BeefMongolian BeefOrange BeefSesame Seed BeefHunan BeefKung Pao BeefShrimpCashew Nut ShrimpBroccoli ShrimpKung Pao ShrimpShrimp With Snow PeasShrimp With Mixed VeggieEgg Foo Yung W/GravyVeggieHamChickenBeefCombinationKid MealChicken NuggetsMini Corn Dogs